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Our Team

Mariah McGlothlin
Tracy Evans
Founding Director
Anna Capener
Mozambique Education Director
Abi Read
Kids, Youth & Community Developer
Terri Cash
Director Tariro Vocational Training Center
Nate & Julie Miller
International Education Overseer
Hands of Grace Africa, Inc.
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Bridget Stanley
Clinic Administrator
Debra Staneart
Bookkeeper iReachAfrica
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Valeria Silvero
Evangelism and Outreach Pastor
Becky Babcock
Bookkeeper Africa 180
Nathalie Hatch
Office Manager
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Mailing Address
215 Lake Blvd. Suite 554
Redding, CA 96003
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Click here to view iReachAfrica’s financials and reviews on GuideStar. GuideStar USA collects and provides easy-to-understand information about each nonprofit’s mission, legitimacy, reputation, finances, transparency, and governance. iReach Africa has earned the Platinum participation level through the GuideStar Exchange.

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