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Baby Health Clinic
Through the Baby Health Care Clinic, hundreds of babies and toddlers are provided milk, food, basic health care and love. These vulnerable little ones, whose mother's have died, are are now daily cared for by other members of their families and/or community members. Our goal is to come alongside these care givers in very real and needed practical ways along with compassionate hearts.
Community Health Education & Discipleship Program
Our Community Health Education & Discipleship Program helps communal prevention of illness and improve health in the surrounding population. These important programs work to recruit and train new community health educators. The programs are powerful for creating a higher quality of life for the local population!

Children's Education Program
Our two preschools, creche (day-care nursery), and graduate program prepares students for success in elementary school and beyond both educationally and spiritually. Our teachers foster both creativity and critical thinking while helping children establish their personal relationship with the Lord.

Church Planting​
We believe the local church should be at the heart and center of each village and community.
Come join us in launching a new season of evangelism, discipleship and church planting. “The harvest is plentiful...”

Prison Ministry​
Our prison ministry – which some of our volunteers affectionately call “discipleship training school” – aims to transform the lives of inmates in prison by sharing God's goodness and helping them to learn about their purpose and identity in Christ. We provide training on family values, behavior changes, social values, and character development.

Tariro VoTech Center
Tariro Vocational Training Center began in 1995 with in response to the need for vocational training for young adults, to create sustainable employment and income to support their families. Students undertake two-year training programs in the following trades: Carpentry & Furniture Making, Metalwork & Welding, Automotive Mechanics and Vegetable Gardening.

Kids Club
Every Tuesday and Friday afternoon, more than 200-300 children from the surrounding communities joyfully show up to our Kidz Club. This program is a safe place for children to have fun and grow socially.
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