Francis and Ursula Fitzsimons
High School Founder and Principal

Francis and Ursula Fitzsimons have lived in Mozambique for well over 30 years. They have three adult children: John, Matthew and Lisa. They have pioneered and are developing a high school called Passo a Passo, which means Step by Step. iReachAfrica is privileged to partner with them as they educate and develop high school students and launch them into the future.
What they say about themselves:
"Our primary aim is to bring the transforming power of the Gospel to this local community. We do this through literacy classes, Bible studies, prison ministry and formal high school education. We have recently built a high school accommodating 120 students. Through the school we hope to offer Christ-centered high-quality education to youth from grade 8 to grade 12. This ensures a sustainable investment into the future of Mozambique."
Their website: www.passoapasso.ie