Children's Education Program

The Children's Education Program was established to provide quality childhood Christian education in an underprivileged region. We address the development of the whole child while inspiring creativity, hope, love and knowledge. The principle focus of this program and staff are on academics, spiritual growth, health and nutrition, as well as a child's social and emotional development.
Sadly, on March 23, 2020 the government announced that all schools would be closed for a period of thirty days due to the situation with Covid-19. At the end of the thirty days the situation was reviewed, and the closure extended for another thirty days. This has continued throughout the year; so, for the majority of theyear we have been unable to run our programs.
A positive outcome of the closure of our preschools has been the discipleship classes that we have been able to run for our teaching staff. We ran a ‘freedom inChrist’ style course that ran for seven weeks followed by a study of the Beatitudesthat ran for nine weeks. We received very positive feedback from the teachers, saying that they felt greatly encouraged and strengthened by the teaching. Many testimonies came back of how they went home and shared the teaching with their families, communities and churches. It has been wonderful to have theopportunity to invest in the spiritual lives of our teaching staff.
‘So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…
You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied…’
After a year of our school programs being closed, and after a rather stressful and intense inspection-day had passed, on the 22nd of March we once again threw open our gates and welcomed back the pitter patter of tiny feet into our classrooms. We prayed for peace over our students as they began classes and had hardly any tears or distressed children as they left their carers at the gate, we prayed that Covid would not have stolen anything from our children’s education and witnessed children who had remembered things previously taught and were ready to soak up each new lesson. We prayed that the teachers would take all the new regulations and restrictions in their stride and have seen exemplary attitudes and enthusiasm from our staff. It has been crazily busy but wonderfully refreshing to have our schools full again. Please join me in praying that nothing will have been stolen from our children's development from the school closures and that all that was lost will be restored. Pray that there would be no Covid outbreaks at our school sites and that our children would be healthy - free from malaria, TB and sickness.
~Anna Capener, Director of Educational Programs
"The school was without doubt the best I have seen in Africa. The class sizes were small and they had both a teacher and a helper in each. Learning was student centric and fun. Teachers and helpers engaged the kids and cared for them. I was very impressed. While I had an opportunity to learn about each of the ministries they do at iReachAfrica, I was most touched by the walk I took through the local village to meet and interview parents and past students. What impressed me was the amount of connectivity that the school staff had with the families. They knew them by name and knew their stories. Teachers knew what challenges students had at home and were treating each student holistically through these relationships. One of the amazing additional programs this nursery school was engaged in was Alumni classes. Teachers had seen that students moving on into government schools were not getting the same level of care and that students were actually loosing skills. To combat this, the school started a weekly alumni class where graduates could come and practice skills. In the community I met families with alumni students and they confirmed the positive impact the team had made on their lives. I have been looking for a school for Joshua and Grace to start in and this little pre- school in the middle of Mozambique was just the ticket. Too bad this school is more than 2000 kms from home!"
- A recent visitor, father of two little ones