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The iReachAfrica STORY

In our humble beginnings we lived in tents in various villages, experiencing the needs of the people we lived among first hand.  


Over the years we grew. We bought land, planted farms built vibrant health programs, built classrooms for the children and homes for many. 


With the help of local community leaders we have developed strategies to meet several of the children's life-saving needs.  Mutual trust and collaboration developed as we work with the communities towards these common goals.


Through conferences, seminars, and outreaches we raise up local leaders.  Because many were unable to attend school during 16 years of civil war, our adult literacy classes provide a chance for many to apprehend opportunities that were lost. We have planted churches and continue to impart sound Biblical teaching, parenting skills, public health trainings and other community development programs in the villages.
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Mailing Address
215 Lake Blvd. Suite 554
Redding, CA 96003
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Click here to view iReachAfrica’s financials and reviews on GuideStar. GuideStar USA collects and provides easy-to-understand information about each nonprofit’s mission, legitimacy, reputation, finances, transparency, and governance. iReach Africa has earned the Platinum participation level through the GuideStar Exchange.

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